Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rheumar Has It: I'm a 13 year old beauty queen?

Hello everyone!
  Sorry it's been so long since I've written, I just got my first job every and I'm work 40-45 hours a week! I'm a nanny for a 17 month old little girl. I come home and want to go right to bed! It's rough! But hey, it's a job! So our neighbor thought I was a 13 year old beauty queen.. but I'm not.. I'm a 22 year old college graduate band kid.. haha! But I suppose it's nice to know I look young.. but 13, that means I look like I'm in puberty! AH! Oh well..

Exciting news!! Camp Boggy Creek is this weekend! I'm sooooo stoked! I can't even explain!!! It's Friday to Sunday and Saturday night there's a dance and the theme is Rock Star. I look like an 80's pop star. It's amazing! I might post a picture! (Depending on if my mommy says ok!)

More exciting news!!! Well brief story first, my stepdad has been around since I was 1 year old. And I haven't seen my biological father since 5th grade. So for father's day I asked my stepdad to adopt me! Well not really ask because I already submitted the forms.. haha! But we finally got our adoption date and its' Oct 28th at 9:30! I cannot wait!!! It will be awesome!! Then that night we're participating the Arthritis Foundation Creaky Bones walk!!! It's on the St.Pete Pier at night, it should be amazing!!!

More exciting news too!! Our Jingle Bell Run team, Team Kelley (feel free to join or donate!) is only 45.00 away from 1,000 dollars!! Our goal is 2,500! I can't wait to do it! It is going to be such an amazing experience. Our theme is "All I want for Christmas is a Cure" Now you should feel obligated to donate! (just kidding!) I think we'll pass our goal which means so much to me!!

Funny story, at least 3 people on our street have Arthritis and take Enbrel, which is like a miracle drug for patients! Most people who were in a wheel chair within about 2 months of taking it could walk!!! No lie!! Isn't that amazing! I was on it for 3 years, and it worked really well, it just didn't work long enough for me. (It's usually a shot once a week or twice a week or as needed, I was at about 70% pain free, but once you go more than like 50mg a week it becomes really dangerous so I had to switch to another drug, Humira)

Less exciting news, let's talk about my bones. So since I was diagnosed when I was 15 years old I've always had really bad back pain  but Rheumatoid Arthritis usually isn't in the back so the doctors just kind pushed it aside. But I got a crazy amount of x-rays of my back and spine and it didn't show anything unusal so I'm getting an MRI done in two weeks. So hopefully we'll find out why it hurts so much! (It feels like when you push on a really painful bruise, but its constant and its from like the bottom of where a bra would be to the top of where pants would be. So the Lumbar region of the spine) The pain sometimes goes away when I lay down but not all of the time. Stupid spine!!

Drugs. Let's talk about drugs. So I already mentioned I did Enbrel for a while, great drug, I did it with methotrexate, both of which are shots, at one point I was doing 2 shots of Enbrel (25mg, and 50mg) and 2 shots of methotrexate (5cc) a week! Which was a lot! And I would always forget to bring in my sharps boxes to the doctors office so they would pile up in my room! Haha! I look like such a druggie! But anyway, so I tried this other shot called Humira, and its a shot once every other week. But there's a lot of pain in the week that I don't do that shot, which is not good. We're trying to get my pain control to 100% but now it's around 60% :( So sad. But we're looking at the option of an IV drip/Infusion that would be done every 4-8 weeks and the dosage would vary every time depending on the pain. I would have to go to the doctors office and sit in the infusion room for 2-3 hours. Which doesn't sound fun, but I'll try it!! I'm sick of hurting! The pain is starting to effect my sleep a little bit, but now that I'm working by the time I go to bed I'm usually pooped and pass out! My mom and I are looking for an acupuncturist (is that what they are called?) I'd like to try acupuncture, it seems to work for some people. At this point I'll try anything!

Bones. So my bones, starting to be lack of bones! So I have bunions on both feet. (For those who don't know what they are it's where the joint of the big toe, that bone grows outward a little bit, extra bone growth, which causes the toe to shift and it's pretty painful. (Here's a website and some pictures a lot of old people have them) Anyway, I got surgery on my right foot when I was 16 and for a while you could feel the part of the bone where they sawed it off and it was completely flat, it was weird! But it's grown back :( but we knew when I got it done that it would have to be repeated every 10-15 years. I'm just a little bit sooner than that. So I'm going to see a podiatrist on Monday to see what we can do. They usually put a rod in it to keep the toe straight. Hopefully we can get that fixed soon because it's really starting to bother me. It's weird, I have it on both feet but only the right bothers me. A lot of women get bunions from wearing pointy toed heels, but I always wore sneakers or converse! Weird.

Recap time! Camp is this weekend! I'm sure I'll write a long and wordy post about how awesome it was! Our jingle bell run team is only $45.00 away from $1000!!!!!

Here's a link to donate or join the Jingle Bell Run!

Quick shout out to my mommy: I love you Mommy! You're the best!

I'll end with one of my favorite quotes:


Have a great week!
-Kelley K
ps-I didn't proof read this before I posted it, sorry for the errors...
pps- My random fact about me: I've known I wanted to be a nurse since elementary school! Talk about being a planner! Haha!
ppps- Another random fact: My friends are the best people in the whole world! I'm so lucky to have them in my life!! I love them all!!! I love them more than I love cookies and cherry coke!!!! (Especially, Jessica H, Kristi F, Liz B! Without you three I'd be lost! Stay in my life forever ok?)

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